Esbjerg, DK


Client: Dong Energy Horns Rev II A/S


Date: 2014


Project: Design and construct pontoon berthing facility for Crew Transfer Vessels for Horns Rev II wind farm.


As the pontoons for this project have a freeboard of 1.60 meters and the waterlevel can rise to 1 meter on top of the quayside, a special bridge design was called for.


To allow access to the pontoons when the deck of the pontoons is actually above quay level, the bridges are hinged, meaning the first section of the bridge can slope upwards from the quay and the second section will slope downwards again towards the deck of the pontoons. A special cover plate was manufactured to close the gap that occurs when the bridge hinges.


In extreme situations where the quayside is covered with a meter of water, access to the bridges itself is no longer possible but the bridges still have to survive these conditions. Rollers were installed to facilitate these extreme conditions. It has not occurred yet, but as soon as it does we will make sure pictures will be uploaded here.


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Calle Sierra Nevada 42

Complejo El Minarete,

fase 2, 9A

O4740 Roquetas de Mar



Movil; +34 699 511 651