Oban, UK


Client: Argyll & Bute


Date: 2017


Project: Breakwater Pontoons for Oban Maritime Quarter


Scope: The Orsta team set up base at Dunstaffnage Marina for the third time in two years, this time for the production of 12 no. pontoons of 19.500 x 500 x 1.80 meters with a freeboard of 60 cm. Each pontoon weighs 52T.


The pontoons will form a floating breakwater for the newly developed Oban Maritime Quarter, a new state-of-the-art transit berthing and maritime visitor facility which will bring economic benefits to Oban and the surrounding for years to come.


It has been estimated that Oban could see an additional 5,600 boats and 22,000 people visiting the area when the berthing facility is complete. This is really good news for Argyll and Bute. The new Transit Berthing Facility will allow direct access to Oban and help generate economic benefits for the stunning refurbished town centre, the islands and the wider Argyll and Bute area.





< previous project

Calle Sierra Nevada 42

Complejo El Minarete,

fase 2, 9A

O4740 Roquetas de Mar



Movil; +34 699 511 651

E-mail; chris@orsta.nl