Maaseik, BE
Client: Marec BV, Marina Heerenlaak
Date: 2012
Project: Design, Supply and Install a floating breakwater for Marina Heerenlaak, situated near the Dutch-Belgian border on the river Maas. The river Maas is used for transporting sand barges and as the Orsta yard was further downstream of the same river, the decision was made to produce the pontoons in the Netherlands, connect them in their final configuration and town them alongside one of the sand barges to Maaseik.
Easier said than done! The captain of the vessel underestimated the current of the Maas and arrived two days late. Fortunately, the program had allowed for any unforeseen delays and the anchoring was done in two days, still within the schedule of installation by the end of the week.
Next was the installation of the access bridge and services, followed by the official opening by the major of Maaseik and a river cruise for all involved.
Scope: 3 No. Pontoons of 20,00 meters long, 3,00 meters wide
and 2,00 meters high.
Anchored by means of 10 No. Orsta type anchors and chain/Danline Rope combination
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