Esbjerg, DK


Client: Dong Energy Horns Rev II A/S


Date: 2014


Project: Design and construct pontoon berthing facility for Crew Transfer Vessels for Horns Rev II wind farm.


In order to accommodate the special Crew Transfer Vessels the pontoons needed to have a freeboard of 1.60 meters but could not be wider than 5 meters. Both pontoons are 35 meters long and 2.40 meters high. Each pontoon unit weighs 170T. Lifting was done with cranes of the Port of Esbjerg, usually used for lifting parts of wind turbines.

As usual, the pontoons were made on a local quayside and lifted straight into the water where they were moored to the piles on the same day.


The piles were shipped from the Netherlands on the same piling vessel used to place the piles as the local piling companies were used to dealing with wind turbines and charged accordingly.


The services were installed directly afterwards and the project has been completed on time and on budget.


Scope: 2 no. pontoons units of 35 x 5 x 2.40 meters (freeboard 1.60 meters) and 170T each, including 2 no. aluminium gangways, designed to function even when the quayside is submerged during extreme high tides.

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Calle Sierra Nevada 42

Complejo El Minarete,

fase 2, 9A

O4740 Roquetas de Mar



Movil; +34 699 511 651
